We are now 1 week into the 2nd quarter of our security scheme!!
As mentioned in the last Security Update (17 Feb 2009) there are a number of further improvements that we have planned for our neighborhood. The major one that we are working on right now is the construction of 2 permanent guard houses (14ft length x 6ft wide) and electronic boomgates for both entrances. We believe that would be the best way we can secure our neighborhood. With the boomgates, the guards will be able to stop cars without stickers to ask where they are going and take down particulars. However, there are over 150 houses out of 690 houses that did not join our security scheme thus their cars will not have stickers but will still be going in and out daily. That will continue to be a pain and cause frustration among us paying residents. However, we have no choice but to allow them entrance. And yes, we are still trying to reach out to them to join our scheme and so far been able to secure 3 new members this quarter.
In order to able to hire the 12 guards, build the guardhouses, boomgates, etc and to keep this scheme going successfully, we have to be certain that we have the necessary support from all of you when going forward into the next few quarters. In the first quarter we had 540 residents who signed up. For this 2nd quarter, as of yesterday, we have so far only 194 who have paid up.
For this scheme to succeed we need everyone to come forward and show your support. So for those of you who have not paid up, please do so immediately.
Here are some payment options:
(1) Payment for 3 months (Mar/Apr/May) at RM150.00 total payable to either "Homeguard Assist" or " Sri Lara Joint Security Services Sdn Bhd" or "DJROA".
(2) Payment for 6 months (Mar to Aug) at RM300.00 total payable only to "DJROA"
(3) Payment for 9 months (Mar to Nov) at RM450.00 total payable only to "DJROA"
Our preference is for you to make checks payable as per the above with your name and house address written at the back of the check to ensure that we know who it is from. Please put the check in an envelope and pass it over to any of the guards at the guard posts or drop it into my mail box (143, Jalan SS22/27). We have also worked out how much DJROA is to return to the residents who joined the previous security scheme which terminated on 1st Dec and our this present scheme supercedes this. I wrote to these residents (on 17 Feb 2009) and many have reverted back to me to say they are donating that balance for our Zone B's infrastructure fund. Thank you very much to all the generous residents. We appreciate your generosity.
However there are still about another 100 of you who have yet to revert on what you'd like to do with this reimbursement. It would be much appreciated if you would revert back to me as soon as possible. Until we receive the proper instructions from you, we will hold this reimbursement.
On incidences that happened in the past month, here are some that were reported:
(1) Attempted break in to house on road 27, suspect it happened between Feb 9 and 20. The resident reported that he found the padlock ear of the metal grill to the front sliding door of his house cut. Also the sliding door lock has been pried open. However the burglars were not able to open the sliding door as the resident put a piece of wood along the slide railing. This is a very good lesson and I would encourage all of you with sliding door to add on this extra precaution. This piece of wood doesn't cost much and is very good at stopping the burglars from breaking in. When faced with this the only way for the burglar is to smash the glass door. We suspect that this happened before the grill on road 33 was put up.
As mentioned in the last Security Update (17 Feb 2009) there are a number of further improvements that we have planned for our neighborhood. The major one that we are working on right now is the construction of 2 permanent guard houses (14ft length x 6ft wide) and electronic boomgates for both entrances. We believe that would be the best way we can secure our neighborhood. With the boomgates, the guards will be able to stop cars without stickers to ask where they are going and take down particulars. However, there are over 150 houses out of 690 houses that did not join our security scheme thus their cars will not have stickers but will still be going in and out daily. That will continue to be a pain and cause frustration among us paying residents. However, we have no choice but to allow them entrance. And yes, we are still trying to reach out to them to join our scheme and so far been able to secure 3 new members this quarter.
In order to able to hire the 12 guards, build the guardhouses, boomgates, etc and to keep this scheme going successfully, we have to be certain that we have the necessary support from all of you when going forward into the next few quarters. In the first quarter we had 540 residents who signed up. For this 2nd quarter, as of yesterday, we have so far only 194 who have paid up.
For this scheme to succeed we need everyone to come forward and show your support. So for those of you who have not paid up, please do so immediately.
Here are some payment options:
(1) Payment for 3 months (Mar/Apr/May) at RM150.00 total payable to either "Homeguard Assist" or " Sri Lara Joint Security Services Sdn Bhd" or "DJROA".
(2) Payment for 6 months (Mar to Aug) at RM300.00 total payable only to "DJROA"
(3) Payment for 9 months (Mar to Nov) at RM450.00 total payable only to "DJROA"
Our preference is for you to make checks payable as per the above with your name and house address written at the back of the check to ensure that we know who it is from. Please put the check in an envelope and pass it over to any of the guards at the guard posts or drop it into my mail box (143, Jalan SS22/27). We have also worked out how much DJROA is to return to the residents who joined the previous security scheme which terminated on 1st Dec and our this present scheme supercedes this. I wrote to these residents (on 17 Feb 2009) and many have reverted back to me to say they are donating that balance for our Zone B's infrastructure fund. Thank you very much to all the generous residents. We appreciate your generosity.
However there are still about another 100 of you who have yet to revert on what you'd like to do with this reimbursement. It would be much appreciated if you would revert back to me as soon as possible. Until we receive the proper instructions from you, we will hold this reimbursement.
On incidences that happened in the past month, here are some that were reported:
(1) Attempted break in to house on road 27, suspect it happened between Feb 9 and 20. The resident reported that he found the padlock ear of the metal grill to the front sliding door of his house cut. Also the sliding door lock has been pried open. However the burglars were not able to open the sliding door as the resident put a piece of wood along the slide railing. This is a very good lesson and I would encourage all of you with sliding door to add on this extra precaution. This piece of wood doesn't cost much and is very good at stopping the burglars from breaking in. When faced with this the only way for the burglar is to smash the glass door. We suspect that this happened before the grill on road 33 was put up.

(2) Maid problems - The guards have reported that there have been at least 2-3 maids who had attempted or managed to run away the last 2 months. Two were picked up by men on motorcycles. Our guard was also called to a house where the maid refused to work and was giving problems. Please note that there is not much our guard can do in this case but by showing up the maid knows that the authorities are taking note of her actions so hopefully that would scare her somewhat.
(3) House attacked by money lenders (Ah Longs) - A house of a non-supporter along road 32 was hit twice by who we believe were Ah Longs. The first time only red paint was thrown at the house gate and walls. The second time, it was red and black paint and 3 Molotov bombs. Our guards called the cops and also fire department who rushed to the scene.
As I have mentioned before, we should never take our family's safety for granted even with 24/7 guards. They are, at best, only deterrents. We must always be careful and constantly aware of our surroundings. With the guards, our neighborhood has become much safer than without. It is not perfect and there are much improvements to be made and we will do so with everyone’s continuous support. Our endeavor to assure the safety of the neighborhood and our families will not succeed if you do not play your part. So please help us help you by showing us your support in terms of contributing to the fees.
Thank you.
(3) House attacked by money lenders (Ah Longs) - A house of a non-supporter along road 32 was hit twice by who we believe were Ah Longs. The first time only red paint was thrown at the house gate and walls. The second time, it was red and black paint and 3 Molotov bombs. Our guards called the cops and also fire department who rushed to the scene.
As I have mentioned before, we should never take our family's safety for granted even with 24/7 guards. They are, at best, only deterrents. We must always be careful and constantly aware of our surroundings. With the guards, our neighborhood has become much safer than without. It is not perfect and there are much improvements to be made and we will do so with everyone’s continuous support. Our endeavor to assure the safety of the neighborhood and our families will not succeed if you do not play your part. So please help us help you by showing us your support in terms of contributing to the fees.
Thank you.